Objectives of the Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (FNTP)
1. To establish standards of professional training and qualifications appropriate to membership of the FNTP
2. To validate professional therapy courses which meet the standard of the FNTP
3. To maintain a Register of Professional members. This will be available to the general public.
4. To disseminate as widely as possible, via politicians, the general press and other media, all appropriate information relating to the practice of Nutritional Therapy.
5. To liaise will all appropriate government departments, the federal regulator, education providers, and external agencies in order to facilitate and promote the safe practice of Nutritional Therapy.
6. To liaise with other professional associations in the field of Nutritional Therapy during the development of a universally accepted Core Curriculum for Nutritional Therapy in the United Kingdom.
7. To publish a professional newsletter/journal for the benefit of the Membership
8. To provide disciplinary procedures in the event of serious professional misconduct.
9. To maintain professional standards of its membership by requiring their strict adherence to a code of ethics and practice.
10. To offer support to student members and qualified members via the Helpline and any other available communication medium.
11. To offer on-going training to fully qualified members (CPD).
12. To offer assessment facilities to those therapists who wish to become full members immediately rather than follow the Associate Membership route