National Occupational Standards
What is a National Occupational Standard?
National Occupational Standards (NOS) are statements of the skills, knowledge and used in employment, education and practise. They define the outcomes of competent performance.
Why does Nutritional Therapy need National Occupational Standards?
NOS have numerous uses in the workplace or in the development of the individual. These include: recruitment, staff development review, promotion, identifying training or Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs, and staff planning.
Defining NOS for Nutritional Therapy helps to define areas of expertise and common competences, helps to define the role of Nutritional Therapists, and creates a consistent approach to developing and accrediting training and qualifications.
National Occupational Standards are Crown Copyright and were first published for Nutritional Therapy in 2003.
The last review of the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for each of the twelve main complementary therapies was conducted by the Government Skills Sector Council, Skills for Health with input from the UK Regulator for Complementary Therapies, The General Regulatory Council for Complementary Therapies (GRCCT), in 2010.
To download the NOS click here (PDF File 86KB)